In the pocket“In the pocket” is a piece of jazz-talk for a really tight and well-coordinated rhythm section. The “In the Pocket” jazz band certainly lives up its name, come along and see for yourself at centreJazz on Tuesday 7th May

The band is lead by drummer Mike Jeffries who gets the real jazz feel from his colleagues playing many of the well- known numbers and a few “specials” as well in a funky mainstream style. centreJazz in the bar at the Community Centre, entrance £7 (£8 non-members), drinks are at very reasonable prices.






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centreJazz is held on the 1st Tuesday in each month in the bar at Bourne End Community Centre. All welcome, purchase tickets in advance or on the door.
centreJazz is a fund-raising activity of Bourne End (Bucks) Community Association.


This website is copyright Bourne End (Bucks) Community Association and contributors. Copyright 2016 - today